Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week 2 in Grand Junction!

Earth 2 had a successful day promoting the GreenBack$ program yesterday, an initiative through the Grand Junction, Fruita, and Palisade Chambers of Commerce that encourages businesses to go green and save on their fixed utility costs by employing more energy-savvy business practices. Through the program, businesses walk themselves through a series of checklists of habits they can modify and changes their business can implement to conserve energy and save money.

Kara, Noel and I held our first GreenBack$ consultation with Mesa Land Trust, a local business, and wow were we impressed at how enthusiastic they were about being a energy-conscious business!  We walked through the level one checklist with them, and were excited to find out that they were already doing the majority of things on the checklist-from using CFL's and daylighting, managing computers and printers to shut off at night, to working remotely from home, biking to work, and recycling in their office. We conducted a brief walk through their offices and pointed out a few more simple changes they could make to complete level one of the program. At the end of our visit, we signed Mesa Land Trust up for their free business energy audit, the credit for which they had earned by completing level one of the GreenBack$ program. We even signed up one employee through the Red Door Challenge for a residential energy audit of his home. And, while we were busy meeting with the Mesa Land Trust, the rest of our team canvassed business downtown, signed a few up for the GreenBack$ program, and scheduled more consultations.

All in all, we had a great day promoting the GreenBack$ program!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

A GRAND Evening at the GRAND Junction Farmer's Market

The local Farmers' Market, comprised of farmers, artisans, vendors, musicians and downtown restaurants, hosted a new guest on Thursday night. Our team came out from 4-8 to represent the City of Grand Junction and other organizations/companies. Audra, Julie, Kara, Ben and myeslf were the first group from our team to experience the festivities. We set up our table complete with brochures from the Red Door Challenge, sign-ups for that program as well as for the Housing Resources of Western Colorado "income qualify only" program, the curbside recycling program, information on the Greenback$ program, information on the Governors Energy Office and 8 easy behavioral tips to help homeowners save energy and money. We also handed out coloring books for the kids, as well as seed packets for the gardeners. We quickly found out that the easiest approach to getting the attention of the passersby was to offer them a free reusable Xcel Energy bag (with a Red Door Challenger brochure inside). We would then ask them if they were interested in learning about energy efficiency in their home or business. Most people were very pleasant and interested in what we had to say. We were able to get two homeowners to sign up for the free audit/weatherization services through Housing Resources of Western Colorado. We also educated countless people on energy efficiency through handing out our brochures and just talking to folks about the energy audit process and weatherization. All-in-all, it was a very successful first Farmers' Market for the members of Earth two! Our sponsor, Kathy Portner was beyond helpful and checked up on us every now and then; she even bought our team a bag of fresh cherries from the market. Thanks Kathy!

Until next time, keep up the GREEN work Earth Two! ; )


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Who you gonna call? Frostbusters!

After observing sample energy audits yesterday, the process came full cycle today when we got to help finish insulation installation in a home that had already been measured through the Red Door Challenge.  Daquan and Jon prepared the fiberglass insulation batting by wrapping it in plastic for easier handling and weatherproofing.  Both Noel and Meredith (pictured) got to go underneath the home to screw it up while others helped to replace the siding to finish the job.  Of course doing so while wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment at all times!

This was a great experience for the entire team to gain insight on what services we are promoting to the community.  We worked together, we met some of the partners that come in to take action after the audits have been completed and we got some great pictures!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Things Done in Grand Junction--Earth 2 Style!

After a few hours of traveling from our Denver campus, we arrived in Grand Junction on Friday June 17th, and settled in to our new home for the next few weeks at Mesa State College. The college has allowed us to stay in apartments while working throughout Grand Junction.

Last week our team had energy trainings (in Denver) to allow us to learn a little bit about the kind of work we're going to be doing. We met with the Governor's Energy Office (GEO), Groundwork Denver/Groundwork Colorado, Recharge Colorado, as well as Xcel Energy. We listened, took down notes, role played, and actually got to go out into the community to run through an actual canvassing event.

Our fourth and final round project is all about Energy Efficiency in Grand Junction. We plan on canvassing the surrounding neighborhoods, talking with residents at farmers' markets, and introducing new energy efficiency services to business owners throughout the city. These activities are helping to promote the city of Grand Junction's Red Door Challenge program that challenges residents to save 25% or more on their home utility bills, reduce home energy use and increase the comfort, safety and durability of their home.

It may sound really expensive to do most of this, but it's basically free. You get a free compact flourescent lightbulb (CFL) for your porch (for the porch-light project we start out promoting), a free energy audit (if you meet certain qualifications), and free information about making your home more efficient as well as saving you some money on your bills. The only thing that you have to pay for is the Red Door Challenge. Its about a $450.00 offer that they're reducing to $120.00 with a $60.00 rebate.

Our team got the chance this past weekend to explore a little bit of Grand Junction. It's a beautiful view-from all different ways. Wherever you look, you see mountains and nothing but blue skies. Downtown Grand Junction has a lot of little shops and restaurants to explore. Today, we hiked a trail after work called "Devil's Kitchen" on the Colorado National Monument for our physical training (PT). I've got a lot of pictures as well, and I might just have to add some up here. We're hoping to explore the arches in Utah, maybe a bit of white water rafting, and some fireworks for the Fourth of July (and Audra's Birthday!!).

We'll all keep updating on what we're doing, how the project is going and some highlights (probably pictures) along our journey here in the Grand Junction.

Until next time, be beautiful.