Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week 2 in Grand Junction!

Earth 2 had a successful day promoting the GreenBack$ program yesterday, an initiative through the Grand Junction, Fruita, and Palisade Chambers of Commerce that encourages businesses to go green and save on their fixed utility costs by employing more energy-savvy business practices. Through the program, businesses walk themselves through a series of checklists of habits they can modify and changes their business can implement to conserve energy and save money.

Kara, Noel and I held our first GreenBack$ consultation with Mesa Land Trust, a local business, and wow were we impressed at how enthusiastic they were about being a energy-conscious business!  We walked through the level one checklist with them, and were excited to find out that they were already doing the majority of things on the checklist-from using CFL's and daylighting, managing computers and printers to shut off at night, to working remotely from home, biking to work, and recycling in their office. We conducted a brief walk through their offices and pointed out a few more simple changes they could make to complete level one of the program. At the end of our visit, we signed Mesa Land Trust up for their free business energy audit, the credit for which they had earned by completing level one of the GreenBack$ program. We even signed up one employee through the Red Door Challenge for a residential energy audit of his home. And, while we were busy meeting with the Mesa Land Trust, the rest of our team canvassed business downtown, signed a few up for the GreenBack$ program, and scheduled more consultations.

All in all, we had a great day promoting the GreenBack$ program!


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