Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Week in Review

Hey dawgs,
This week we made mad progress on our project.

Monday started off sort of slow.  In the morning we sat around and made phone calls to businesses for the Greenbacks program and spoke with individuals from Xcel and Grand Valley Power about what to say to business owners at the meetings we had scheduled with them.  While our meeting with Xcel was informative, most of our team felt that the process of calling businesses to schedule phone calls was rather unsuccessful, as business owners often were either unavailable or unreceptive over the phone.  Luckily, we felt way better after we ate the chicken parm that Audra and I cooked which was sweeeeeeeeet (although the eggplant wasn't too great, according to Kara).

Tuesday, on the other hand, was much more successful.  Julie had the bright idea to go canvass businesses instead of just sit in the office and call them.  Four members of our team walked down Main Street and talked with business owners, and we were much successful in selling the Greenbacks program this way than we were by calling them.  Later, our team went canvassing in Clifton, and me and Guesa walked up and down some streets and chilled in KFC for a while.  It was super windy outside and Guesa told me she was scared of tornadoes.

Wednesday we met up with Stephanie from Groundwork Denver and sat through a presentation on the Red Door Challenge with a group of high schoolers who were at Mesa State College for a Youth Leadership Summit.  After the presentation, we all paired up with a youngin and canvassed around Mesa State.  My partner and I did pretty poorly (only three people on our route opened their door and we didn't give a single light bulb away), but overall it was a positive experience as the kids came away with a better understanding of energy conservation and of the difficulties of canvassing door to door.

I didn't go to the Farmer's Market on Thursday so I can't really comment on how that went.  Apparently, Julie had everyone there make a human pyramid in order to convince people to come over and talk to them.  That turned out not to be very successful, and just left everyone sort of embarrassed.  Oh well!

Today we're just business canvassing again and then we're going to do some residential canvassing later.  Guesa is off today, so I'm gonna be chilling with our Team Leader Noel.  I'm gonna have to be on my best behavior, I guess.

Thanks for reading my blog post yo!


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